Yearly archives: 2015

Over the last month WIB-London has been lucky enough to have a wonderful volunteer to help us with our work. She’s sorted out our collection of banners and placards, made a new leaflet (see below)and taken it around to women’s meetings and wherever likely WiBs might be, she made us a new Facebook page, and […]

New leaflet, new Facebook page – thank you Candela!

Back to one of our regular themes:despite the massive opposition to renewing”our” nuclear weapons system, the government persists with going ahead, whilst proposing masive cuts in public expenditure on essential services.

Cut Trident, not public services

In the run up to the parliamentary election in the UK, our vigils on 29 April and 6 May encouraged voters to vote for parties that had a progressive position on real peace and security. Part of our strategy was to encourage votes for parliamentary candidates who opposed the renewal of Trident,the UK’s nuclear weapons […]

Election vigils: Vote for real peace and security