Today, 12 October, we again called for Climate Justice.
The beautiful flowers in the photograph were there to mark the anniversary of Edith Cavell’s execution… left by various nursing unions/networks.
Patriotism is not enough, as she said……
See below for our leaflet.

At this time of war, loss, environmental destruction and nuclear dangers, Women in Black stand for peace and sustainable humanitarian security.
These are extraordinary times. We are facing existential threats from climate chaos and nuclear weapons, exacerbated by denial and aggression from some leaders, and dangerous, short-sighted, policies from others. International law, multilateral disarmament and environmental agreements are being undermined and undone, with disastrous consequences.
From Ukraine to Congo, and from the Middle East to the Korean Peninsula, weapons and armed conflicts are violating human rights and causing immense misery. As millions face increased poverty, hunger and homelessness, the safety and rights of women, refugees and children are being put at greater risk.
What will we leave for our children and grandchildren?
Our precious planet is in peril. Nuclear war, militarist practices and the production and use of all kinds of weapons are massive contributors to climate destruction. According to Scientists for Global Responsibility, Britain’s carbon bootprint is among the highest in the world. In 2018, for example, the UK’s production and deployment of many kinds of weapons, delivery means and military vehicles was calculated to be about 6.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2). That is more than the total greenhouse gas emissions produced by 60 less-polluting UN states.
What can we do?
All of us need to work together for war prevention, conflict resolution, disarmament, and the building of cooperative relations and real, humanitarian and environmental security. For the sake of the future we need to support the Earth Protectors of today, from schoolchildren to climate campaigners and disarmament advocates – here in Britain and across the world.
To the Rt.Hon. Liz Truss, 10 Downing St, London SW1 I agree with Women in Black’s appeal to cut all military activities that destroy our shared climate and environment. We urge the government to halt dangerous weapons sales and proliferation, and increase investments in sustainable peace and energy policies, phasing out reliance on harmful nuclear or fossil fuel technologies. Now is the time for Britain to take the lead in multilateral, humanitarian disarmament and join the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Please act now! ………………………………………signature ….. ……………………………………..…name address …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
Women in Black hold vigils every Wednesday between 6-7 pm at the Edith Cavell Statue, opposite the National Portrait Gallery, St.Martin’s Place, London, WC2. Our vigils are silent, women-only and if possible we wear black. See our website at Contact us at: Twitter: @WIB_London
Donations for leaflets gratefully received. We invite women and girls who agree with us to come and join us.