WiB London

11 November is Remembrance Day in the UK, the day that the first world war ended in Europe. For too long ceremonies have remembered only the country’s own military dead, symbolised by red poppies. But gradually more and more people have worn the white poppy, the symbol of peace, in remebrance of all those, military […]

Remembering all who have been killed in all wars

Today, as we reminded passers-by of the continuing lack of peace, justice and human rights in Palestine, we were joined by some women who were taking part in the Extinction Rebellion demonstrations in London this week. A good time to remember how Palestinians have been denied access to water resources by the Occupation, and how […]

A vigil for Palestine

In June the Court of Appeal ruled that the UK’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia were unlawful on the basis that ministers had failed to assess the risk to civilians.The government had agreed that they would not issue any licences for arms exports until they had sorted out proper procedures for the protection of civilians. […]

We have to remind the government – Stop Arms ...