WiB London

This is international week for countering the militarisation of youth – including the recruitment of young people under the age of 18 into the military (as in the UK).  The UK government spends more than £45 million a year promoting a “military ethos” in schools, encouraging children as young as 12 to support the military, […]

Countering the militarisation of youth

With millions living across the world with no peace and no security, we asked people to imagine what the UK could do if it didn’t spend £44.7 billion a year on Defence, or what the world could be like if it didn’t spend £3.64 billion per day on the military!

UN Disarmament Week

With around 14 million people now at risk of famine in the Yemen, a famine that is considered to be potentially the world’s worst famine in 100 years, Women in Black again called on the UK government to stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia. In the same week Saudi Arabia is under the spotlight following the […]

Yemen in famine – end arms sales to Saudi Arabia

In advance of NATO’s November military exercises, one of the largest of its kind, Women in Black called for the abolition of NATO, the closure of its military bases and and for the costs of NATO to be used instead for health and welfare .  

Women in Black say No to NATO

Welcome to London Women in Black’s blog. We hold silent vigils every Wednesday in the centre of London.  Our message is simple: Women in Black oppose war, violence and militarism; we stand for peace, with justice. Click on each week’s box to find out more, and read the leaflets we give out to the public. […]

London Women in Black – Weekly Vigils

During September, our weekly vigil was held jointly with the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), and Syrian, against the background of the armed assault on Idlib, called for support for Syrian women, and for a  new and meaningful peace initiative,  including and recognising the needs of Syrian women, including as refugees. We […]

The impact of war on Syrian Women

For our first Wednesday vigil, we expressed our concerns at recent events in Israel, including the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the continued settlement and wall-building in the Occupied West Bank, and Israel’s new ‘nation-state law’ which demotes Arabic from its status as a national language alongside Hebrew, and defines Israel unequivocally as a […]

A just settlement for Palestinians looks even further away

In July we are holding three vigils calling on the UK to end the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, which are being used in the continuing war in Yemen, where more than 16,000 civilains have been killed. We also urged people to support the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) in their legal appeal […]

Stop UK Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

4 July 2018. Another regular first Wednesday vigil calling for an end to the continuing occupation of Palestine. We’re also specifically calling on the UK government to end their military and moral support for the state of Israel: the UK buys Israeli armed drones and sells Israel componenents for F16 fighter aircraft used to attack […]

Palestine: UK – End arms deals with Israel