WiB London
International Women's Day 2011: WiB London join Women for Women International in their worldwide series of events "Join Me On the Bridge".
International Women’s Day 2011: WiB London at “Join Me On ...
More video of Women in Black and others in action against NATO. November 2010.
Women Say No to NATO 2
Women in Black London engage with women of other groups in a demonstration against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. London, November 2010.
Women Say No to NATO : 1
Press Release: Women Say No to NATO action London 20 ...
Talk at the Annual General Meeting of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, UK, seeking to engage men, as well as women, in a discussion of how we might more openly address, as antim
Militarism, masculinity and men
Contribution to a discussion on arguing that today's antiwar movements could become wider, deeper and more united if they took seriously the part played by gender power relations in pe
Getting to peace: what kind of movement?
An article for 'Broken Rifle', the newspaper of War Resisters International, expressing a feminist case for women's activism against nuclear weapons.
Women, men and nuclear weapons
Women in Black London celebrate International Women's Day by joining with seven other women's organizations in support of eight women's associations worldwide, to say 'No to violence against women.
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Women in Black joins with the International Action Network on Small Arms to point up the harm done by hand guns and call for measures to curb their sale and use.