Remember the dead. Take action for peace.

In these days, many of us are wearing white poppies. The White Poppy symbolises the belief that there are better ways to resolve conflicts than killing strangers. They are produced by the Peace Pledge Union. The PPU’s work, primarily educational, draws attention to many of our social values and habits which make continuing violence a likely outcome. From economic reliance on arms sales (Britain is the world’s sixth largest arms exporter), to maintaining and renewing manifestly useless nuclear weapons, Britain contributes significantly to international instability. The outcome of recent military adventures highlights their danger and ineffectiveness in today’s complex world.

Now, over 100 years after the end of the ‘war to end all wars’, we still have a long way to go to put an end to a social institution which, in the last decade alone, killed over two million children. (

WRITE letters to your local MP – they are very important; letters and articles to your local paper; to encourage those national figures who also advocate addressing the underlying problems; to world leaders and the United Nations.

BE HEARD —in any relevant radio phone-in. ENGAGE in civil disobedience or take part in non-violent direct action. (See,and STICK UP a poster – make your own or see websites below. WEAR a white poppy – or make stickers on address labels. COPY this leaflet and give it to someone else.

REMEMBER – you don’t have to spend lots of time unless you can, or take part in major action unless you wish. Small personal actions count. But do take action NOW.


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