WiB London

It is the most vulnerable – women and children, people with disabilities, the marginalized, displaced and refugees – who pay the highest price during conflict .                   UN Sec Gen António Guterres  calling for a Global Ceasefire in 2020 Between 2019 – 2021 wars in  Syria, South Sudan, Myanmar, DRC, Ethiopia and Tigray have caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee […]

Refugee Week: 14-20 June 2021

While we return to our vigil we also remain in solidarity at a distanceWomen in Black are everywhere, working against militarism and war.In solidarity and thought each Wednesday : Refugee Week 14—20 June 2021 According to the UNHCR 79.5 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes. Among them are 26 […]

Refugee Week 14—20 June 2021

internation al Day of Peace
Tonight we focus again on Women, disarmament and Palestine & Israel… we had a very good response last week, more leaflets taken than in recent months and more conversations too. 24th May is International  Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament.  This year we are thinking of the women in Palestine & Israel.  Communities in Gaza have […]

Women, disarmament – Palestine & Israel

LHS, women vigil for Israel Palestine, text on RHS
Issue: Palestinian prisoners and detaineesBy the end of March 2021 the number of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons and detention centres reached 4,450 including 37 women, 140 children and 440 administrative detainees. Among them are journalists and university students.Addameer, the Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association calls on the International Criminal Court of […]

Action on Palestinian prisoners and detainees

Global Days of military spending
Tonight Women in Black London will focus again on military spending. UK now 5th largest military spender…. while we only spend £24 billion on climate change we will spend £188 billion on the military! #demilitarise #defundthemilitaryWe join with others around the world to take action and demand major reductions of military spending at a crucial […]

Global days against military spending

Global Days of military spending
The world spent $1.92 trillion on the military in 2019, a 3.6% increase over the previous year and the highest figure since the end of the Cold War. In the UK, in the midst of the COVID pandemic we have seen: · A £24 billion increase in the UK military budget · Nuclear weapons cap increased by […]

Global Days of Action against Military Spending

Protest against previous aRms fair and action against next
While some of us will return to vigil at the Edith Cavell statue in central London we also continue with our Solidarity at a Distance, sharing our message and call for action with you all.  We are 5 months from the DSEI arms fair in London … we need to take action now to stop this […]

Say No to the DSEI Arms Fair

While the Government of Israel  promotes its ‘leadership ‘ in rolling out the COVID 19 vaccination in Israel, the UN reports that it is  failing in its legal and moral obligations, as an occupying power to provide the vaccine to the people of Gaza and the West Bank. Responses · Find out more and donate to MAP […]

Justice and vaccines for Palestinians

Photo and text alert to DSEI arms fair
Second week with this focus – today we have added an action called for by CAAT, below.  The bi-annual DSEI arms fair is due to be held at the London EXCEL centre between 14-17 September. It is supported by the Ministry of Defence and the UK Defence & Security Export Ministry. They expect 36,000 visitors […]

Forward planning against the DSEI Arms Fair – no. 2

Issue The bi-annual DSEI arms fair is due to be held at the London EXCEL centre between 14-17 September. It is supported by the Ministry of Defence and the UK Defence & Security Export Ministry. They expect 36,000 visitors from 114 countries. Their website promotes the event as a chance to “do business, enter the […]

Say No to the DSEI Arms Fair