In this year’s Refugee Week along with the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, we again highlighted the experience of women refugees, from displacement to flight and the struggle for international protection; the failure of the our government, as in other EU countries, to welcome refugees, and the appalling practice in the UK, of  […]

Refugee Week

Every first Wednesday of each month we focus on the continuing occupation of Palestine. This month was no different, but perhaps more poignant as the 52nd anniversary of the occupation approaches on 7 June.

First Wednesday: Palestine 52 years of Occupation

This week we also highlighted International Women’s Day for Disarmament, celebrated on 24th May. You can see the full leaflet in last week’s vigil entry. This week’s photos focus on the leaflets we give out at each vigil. Because we vigil in silence, the leaflets to explain what we are concerned about, to passers-by so […]

Another IWDD vigil and a note about our vigils

With now only four months to go before the planned DSEI arms fair, this week we’re again asking Londoners to make their voices heard, and to help all those campaigning against the arms fair to ensure it is never held in London again. Today was also Conscientious Objectors’ Day – celebrated around the world to […]

Stop the Arms Fair!

As forces in Gaza, desperate for an end to the blockade and seige imposed on them by Israel, have recently fired rockets into Tel Aviv, in response Israel has bombed strategic sites in the Gaza Strip. This week we call –  as we do every month, for an end to the Occupation, now in its […]

Palestine – getting worse by the day

This is the question we are asking people during our vigils on 17 and 24 April and 1st May to mark the Global Days of Action on Military Spending. GDAMS are calling on states to demilitarize, and invest in what people really need. You can find out more about GDAMS and their campaign here. Women […]

Your alternatives to military spending?

We have six months to stop the DSEI arms trade fair, planned to take place in London in September 2019. Alongside the Campaign aganust the Arms Trade, Stop DSEI and other activists, Women in Black call on the UK government to end their sale of weapons which fuel the death, destruction and injustice perpetrated by […]

Six months to stop the Arms Trade Fair in London