Women in Black London stand in vigil to express solidarity and support and remembrance for all women and their families displaced by war, persecution and oppression. Women make up half of all displaced people. The number of displaced people has increased dramatically worldwide to over 110 million. Read and or download this week’s leaflet, 14 […]

Protect women refugees – End all wars and violent conflict

Vigil with symbolic shoes of the dead
Chalked outlines of children, some with shoes, emphasising howArms Sales Kill, surrounded this week’s vigil. The row of shoes on the step symbolises the dead, who no longer need their shoes Women in Black London deplore the UK’s continued role in the global arms trade.  The UK is one of the 10 largest arms exporters, […]


A world at war needs your gift of peace. This year, global military spending rose to $2.2 trillion for the first time, the equivalent of $272 per person. The war on Gaza is costing Israel millions every day and the human cost to the people of Gaza and Israel is immeasurable. The USA and the […]

Give a Present for Peace this Christmas

Vigil 13122023
For our continuing horror, anger and despair see also https://london.womeninblack.org/2023/11/09/remember-the-dead-and-take-action-for-peace/ Some of us have also joined the new Euston Road vigil, London, every Saturday Contact: What’s App: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EH3GnFcnKFV0dHNpTeS159

Only peace and justice for Palestinians can bring peace in ...

Climate change vigil 29 November 2023
For the last few weeks we have, once again, been focussed on conflict.  This time it is in the Middle East, but wars also continue to rage in Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen, Congo and many other parts of the world. Internal and neighbour state conflicts are often caused or exacerbated by the impact of climate change […]

Fund Climate Security, Not Wars

Please download and share our leaflet. Send letters to PM Rishi Sunak, the Foreign Secretary and the Cabinet, 10 Downing Street, London SW1, calling for an immediate Cease Fire.