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Arms and Afghanistan

Women in Black London calls on the UK Government to: Ensure that visas and safe passage out of Afghanistan are provided to all who are especially at risk from the Taliban. Do not limit the numbers of Afghan refugees to arbitrary quotas, but respond to this humanitarian emergency by providing for those in need of […]

Welcome Refugees …. Help Afghanistan …. Stop DSEI Arms Fair

Plea The bi-annual DSEI arms fair will be held at the London EXCEL centre between 14-17 September.  Supported by theMinistry of Defence and the UK Defence & Security Export Ministry, it expects 36 thousand visitors from 114 countries.  Their website promotes the event as a chance to ‘do business, enter the supply chain, meet buyers of your […]

No Arms Fair in London

For a second week we focus on the first use of nuclear weapons 76 years ago.  On 9 August these weapons were used on the city of Nagasaki.  Our leaflet and our action responses below. Response · Urge your MP to sign EDM 1667 calling the Government to abandon plans to increase warheads and work for nuclear […]

Say no to nuclear weapons!

Vigil Augist 2020
76 years ago on  6th & 9th August nuclear weapons were used for the first time on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.  The world is now burdened with 13,400 nuclear weapons.  Just one can destroy a city.  The UK Government has just committed to INCREASE its nuclear warheads by 40%.  Nuclear weapons are […]

Remember Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Say NO to ...

vigil no to violence against women
Rape, forced prostitution and sexual trafficking are a common tactic of war, conflict and terrorism today. More here · One example is Afghanistan where years of conflict, poverty and the use of religion and culture as a justification to control women, are a feature of gender violence against  women.  We read of targeted killings of high […]

No to violence against women

women in black vigil 7 july 2021
Please help to stop this terrible ‘fair’… join us in these actions. ·  News  here on what is being planned to challenge the September 2021 arms fair. · Write to your MP with your concerns about the UKs involvement in the arms trade and this event in particular.  You can find your MP details  here . […]

Stop the London’s arms “fair”

The bi-annual DSEI arms fair will be held at the London EXCEL centre between 14-17 September.  Supported by the Ministry of Defence and the UK Defence & Security Export Ministry, it expects 36 thousand visitors from 114 countries.  Their website promotes the event as a chance to ‘do business, enter the supply chain, meet buyers of your […]

Say No to the DSEI Arms Fair

Vigil for Palestine
The Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip in May resulted in more than 200 Palestinian dead, half of whom were women and children. Over 20 Palestinians in the West Bank were killed in clashes with Israeli security forces and settler activity. Twelve people in Israel died as a result of Hamas rocket attacks.Hundreds of Palestinian homes […]

Focus on Israel & Palestine

LEaflet to stop arms fair
The bi-annual DSEI arms fair will be held at the London EXCEL centre between 14-17 September.  Supported by the Ministry of Defence and the UK Defence & Security Export Ministry, it expects 36 thousand visitors from 114 countries.  Their website promotes the event as a chance to ‘do business, enter the supply chain, meet buyers of […]

Say No to the DSEI Arms Fair

It is the most vulnerable – women and children, people with disabilities, the marginalized, displaced and refugees – who pay the highest price during conflict .                   UN Sec Gen António Guterres  calling for a Global Ceasefire in 2020 Between 2019 – 2021 wars in  Syria, South Sudan, Myanmar, DRC, Ethiopia and Tigray have caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee […]

Refugee Week: 14-20 June 2021