On 15 May Palestinians will be commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, the process of ethnic cleansing, colonisation and dispossession that saw over 750,000 Palestinians driven into exile and more than 500 towns and villages wiped from the map.  Violence and injustice continue.  Since January 2023, at least 18 Palestinian children have been killed by […]

75 years of occupation and injustice for Palestine

The bi-annual  Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI)  arms fair is due to be held at the London EXCEL centre between 12 – 15 September. It brings together 1,700+ arms companies who promote their lethal wares to an expected 36,000+ attendees from around the world.  The event is supported by the Ministry of Defence and […]

Stop the Arms Fair: Countdown to September 12-15, 2023

8th March is International Women’s Day, established by the United Nations in 1977. It celebrates women’s contributions to society, raises awareness about the fight for gender parity, and inspires support for organizations that help women globally. The theme for 2023, DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality, illustrates just one of the ways in which […]

International Women’s Day 8 March 2023

Saudi Arabia’s eight year war with Yemen has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Hundreds of thousands have been killed.  3.2 million children are internally displaced and 12.9 million children are in need of humanitarian assistance. OXFAM reports that 24 million people, 80% of the population, are in need of emergency aid. Most […]

Save the people of Yemen ...

WOMEN IN BLACK OPPOSE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, POWER, MILITARISM & ARMS SALES    We campaign to prevent armed conflicts and end military-industrial activities that destroy our climate, lives and environment. We work for sustainable peace and security, free of nuclear, military and fossil-fuel dependencies. We recognise that many wars and violations of the rights and security […]

Prevent nuclear attacks. End Wars, Build Peace

A world at war needs your gift of peace Global military spending in 2021 reached US$ 2113 billion, exceeding $2 trillion for the first time, the equivalent of, $268 per person.  UK military spending for 2022-3 is  £48.6 billion.  In addition the UK gave £2.3 billion of military assistance to Ukraine and more is promised. […]

Give a Present for Peace this Christmas

On 30 November and 7 December, we continued our vigils covering the 16 Days against Violence against Women Nov 25, International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women marks the start of the Global16 days Campaign to end violence to women, ending on December 10, Human Rights Day. The 2022theme is ‘End Femicide’, the intentional killing […]

End violence against women in peace and war. End femicide.